World Of Warcraft


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World Of Warcraft

Postby Kidders » Thu Jul 08, 2010 13:12:08

Blizzard have decided that all WOW players will have to use their real names, thoughts?

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Re: World Of Warcraft

Postby Dimon » Thu Jul 08, 2010 16:22:18

/care tbh ;d

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Re: World Of Warcraft

Postby B00rz » Thu Jul 08, 2010 17:29:03

never use the forums to start with.

its a good and bad idea

1. It will stop the trolling and flame wars some what, no hiding behind a lvl1 alt anymore
2. It puts your name up there on the internet, some poor GM trying to defend the change has been totally harassed because he told the forum his full real name. Within 5 mins of that they had his whole address, telephone number, the names of his family members and all of his previous addresses. They also found him on facebook which gave what he looked like and all of his favourite things.


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Re: World Of Warcraft

Postby King » Thu Jul 08, 2010 18:07:55

Same sort of boat as boorz really, played wow for almost 3 years now and i've probably made like 4 posts on the wow forums tops.

at the end of the day i couldn't really care less if they did it or not. It just seems retarded from a business perspective. "ok yea we want to make the forum a social site for all users" problem is 90% of the users that actually post on the forums have said they hate it. The 90% of posters might well be 5% of the wow total population, but at the end of the day it is that 5% that you are targeting these changes at in the first place, and they hate it xD Server Administrator

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Re: World Of Warcraft

Postby Razerslash » Thu Jul 08, 2010 18:55:41

Those that are pissed are those that have done some bad shit on there at some point. At least some of us are chilled about it.
『new world』: well hes gone now..
Razerslash: thats because i kicked him
『new world』: you killed him
Razerslash: kicked
『new world』: banned?
Razerslash: kicked!

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Re: World Of Warcraft

Postby King » Thu Jul 08, 2010 21:49:50 Server Administrator

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Re: World Of Warcraft

Postby Kidders » Fri Jul 09, 2010 09:21:08

ah, i didn't read the article right, i thought your character names had to change or something of the like

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Re: World Of Warcraft

Postby Dimon » Fri Jul 09, 2010 18:55:40


But then again, shareholders probably got a bit displeased by all the outcry about the RealID on forums debacle. :p

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