Cortanz DPS

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Cortanz DPS

Postby Cortanz » Sun Jul 26, 2009 22:21:47

Hi. My name is Shawn.
I have been playing wow since Tbc came out.
I was in Ninth Order guild when Wotlk came out and did some Naxx hc there. When i couldnt come along with Frah anymore i had to leave it and look for another guild. So i join Knightmare and keept on raiding Naxx hc till my PC crashed and died to never wake up again . I had to quit WoW then till i could afford a new PC, so i started again like 2 months ago and joined Evolution where i raided Ulduar hc with them, did never get any loots becouse they are very "gay" with it ^^ they prefer to give to their Irl mates instaead of some1 who needs it to MS and not OS like their mates does, so i gladly left them! Then i joined Holy Warriors where i got my full exp in Uld hc till YS, got him to 3% many times but the day we got a kill i wasnt online, untill the "doomsday" came where my boss called and needed me in another city to work for 2 weeks, when i came back i had been inactive for too long to still be a member. Now im looking for a hardore guild to show my skills for. Hope AE gives me a chance to show it out and i can be there with u guys to kill Yoggy!

In game Name : Cortanz
Age : 25
Nationality : Iraqi, live in sweden!
Class : DKSpec: (feel free to explain why you use this spec) Blood 51/2/18, i thinck this is the best specc for dps! Tho i can play UH aswell if u need that!
Armory Link : ... &n=Cortanz
Professions : Lw / skinning!
Alt Chars : Shaman with naxx hc gear and Wlock with naxx normal and hc gear!Do u know anyone in AE ? Not Yet
How often do u play ? Everyday! From morning to night!
In wich guilds have you been? Ninth order, knightmre, Evolution Holy Warriors.
Why did you leave or want to leave last/current guild? Inactive
How far did you progress with your current/previous guild in Naxx/Malygos/Sartharion/Uld: Full naxx, Naxx hc,EoE hc tho i DC 3 mins be4 the kill -.-, Sarth with 2 drakes up! Uld full exp

Gl to my apply and hope u take this seriou cuz im a very serious player!
Ty for ure time!
Regardz, Cortanz

Jason Statham
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Re: Cortanz DPS

Postby Rza » Sun Jul 26, 2009 22:33:43

You were in the guild before and gquit to join knightmare 2 weeks after they /w to tell me you were being an abusive idiot. You've been in about 5 guilds since, and you told me in a /w you only want to join to kill Yogg, it didn't matter what guild you were in.

So yeah not a chance in hell you'll be getting invited.

No, if it wasent clear enough.

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Jean-Claude Van Damme
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Re: Cortanz DPS

Postby Dimon » Sun Jul 26, 2009 22:41:48

GTFO imho.

Jean-Claude Van Damme
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Re: Cortanz DPS

Postby B00rz » Mon Jul 27, 2009 13:23:23

Thought I recognised his name, wasn't he one of the first DPS DKs we recruited and he fucked off after couple of weeks cause we weren't progressing very well due to lack of healers at the time.

What's with all these old members wanting to rejoin now that we are getting somewhere, like that last guy who couldn't remember the guild he left or the reason why, even though that guild happened to be us =P


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Re: Cortanz DPS

Postby Talho » Mon Jul 27, 2009 13:26:32

i guess our own form wasnt good enough
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Jean-Claude Van Damme
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Re: Cortanz DPS

Postby Dimon » Mon Jul 27, 2009 15:54:43

I'll put in a proper reply too. :D

We know something, both from when you actually were in this guild, and from what happened after you left. You are not a reliable addition to the guild.
So this application is rejected.

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