Feastyo, Combat Rogue Application

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Feastyo, Combat Rogue Application

Postby Feastyo » Mon Oct 19, 2009 23:22:42

Personal Information

Real name: Frederik.
Age: 17
Sex: Male.
Nationality: Norway.

Character information

Ingame Character name: Feastyo
Class: Rogue
Race: Night Elf.
Current level: 80.
Current ./played time on this character: 107days.
Current Server: Frostmane PvP EU.
Knowledge of the English Language: Yes.
Got Teamspeak and/or Ventrilo?: Yes, also got mic.

Primary specc: Combat (15/51/5)
Secondary specc: Assassination (41/5/25)

Armory link to character:

Raid information and experience:

Mostly available between 17.00-02.00 atm, sometimes more/less in the weekends. Depends if Im going out or not, but right now Im able to raid more or less everyday.

The last boss I killed in progress raids was Anub'Arak in Trial of the Crusader 25man normal with the guild Asylum. Dced for 3minutes at the end so didnt get any achievement nor loot x) Stopped playing after this however.

Currently my arena experience in wotlk = close to zero. Was active during s1-s3 in Burning Crusade, and topped at around 1900 rating with my Rogue.

PVE Classic Raids:
- Zul Gurub: Cleared.
- Molten Core: Cleared.
- Onyxia's Lair: Cleared.
- Blackwing Lair: Not Full Cleared in Classic
- The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj: Not Full Clear in Classic
- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj: Not Full Clear in Classic
- The Citadel of Naxxramas: N/A

Outdoor raid encounters:
- Doom Lord Kazzak killed: Yes.
- Doomwalker killed: Yes.
- Highlord Kruul: N/A.
- Azuregos: Yes.

PVE Experience The Burning Crusade:
- Gruul's Lair: Cleared.
- Karazhan: Cleared.
- Magtheridon: Cleared.
- Zul'Aman: Cleared.
- Tempest Keep: Cleared.
- Serpentshrine Cavern: Cleared.
- Hyjal Summit: Cleared.
- Black Temple: Cleared.
- Sunwell Plateau: 2/6 in TBC

Raiding progress in Wrath of the Lich King:
Vault of Archavon 10/25man: Cleared.
Naxxramas 10/25man: Cleared.
Sartharion the Onyx Guardian 10/25man: Cleared.
Eye of Eternity 10/25man. Cleared.
Onyxia's lair 10/25man: Cleared

TOTC 10: Cleared.
TOTC 25: Cleared up to Anub'Arak.
Ulduar 10/25man: Cleared.
Algalon is not cleared on either difficulity (10/25)

Sartharion the Onyx Guardion 10man with 3 drakes: Cleared.
Sartharion the Onyx Guardion 25man with 3 drakes: Cleared.

Guild information

Previous Guilds:

- Epicentre, Reason(s) to leave: Was in this guild in TBC, got disbanded short time after I joined.
- Fallen, Reason(s) to leave: Disbanded during TBC aswell
- Revelation, Reason(s) to leave: Left them for AeM in the beginning of Wotlk
- AeM, Reason(s) to leave: Disbanded
- Scion, Reason(s) to leave: I dont know tbh x)
- Ninth Order, Reason(s) to leave: Got accepted as trial, then got 3 computers on repair for 1 1/2 months, so failed that way x)
- Asylum, Reason(s) to leave: Disbanded

Current Guild: - Reason(s) to leave:

Why choose AE?
I want to join a raiding guild with good players, good social atmosphere and progress, and AE seems to be a guild I seek.

Why you should pick me instead of someone else?
Im a serious, active and mature raider. I got high-end pve experience and I know my class well. Im social and dedicated and I also know that Im abit undergeared, but Im always trying to do my best, be the best, and perform well in every raid.
Always prepared for raids. Bringing flasks, pots, food, bandages and other reagents / consumables.

What I expect from AE.
I expect a mature atmosphere, a good social part and progress in raids.
I also expect that everyone show up for raid with consumables, flasks etc.
Also require the other guild members to be serious, active, mature and focused when we raid.

Other Information

My story

I started to play World of Warcraft back in 2005 after I quit playing the MMORPG game Star Wars Galaxies.
I started leveling a horde druid on the Minas Tirith realm, but after a while I switched over to Frostmane PvP EU, which have been my home ever since.
When I arrived on the realm I started playing the rogue known as Feastyo.
I lvled to lvl 60 late in classic, which resulted in semi-pugs in the easiest raid instances and also abit pvp. I didnt have the time to do so much before The Burning Crusade hit though. What I remember most from Classic is probably a random day in Redridge Mountains in lvl 17 without knowing why I remember it so well. Got good memories from my first Ragnaros kill, and the endless wiping I faced in AQ and BWL.
It was first when tbc hit that I began playing active. Alot of the better guilds I were in disbanded, and so I finally ended up in Revelation. In Revelation I experienced the Battle of Mount Hyjal and later The Black Temple. We managed to get down Illidan and moved towards SWP and got down two bosses there before another expansion was upon us.
Early in wotlk I took the decision of leaving Revelation and joined AeM. With AeM I managed to clear Naxxramas, Sartharion 3D 25, Eye of Eternity and we got into Ulduar before the guild merged together with another guild and later disbanded. After that I was guildless for a while and didnt play much, but when I got back I applyed to Ninth Order, and got accepted. Unfortunately my three computers broke down for 1 1/2 month and I failed trial that way. x)
After that I teamed up with my friends that had started the guild Scion, However, the guild felt like it was going to break down just as AeM had earlier, so I left it for Asylum, which was my home until it disbanded while I was gone for 2 months.

Irl Im going high school @ 2nd grade. Got a girlfriend whom I love and on my spare time I dance breakdance, get injury's from dancing and play wow. x)
Started my Death Knight Archwhisper on release day of wotlk. Didnt hardcore lvl him and got to lvl 80 about 12-13 days after release.
Wasnt until June that I managed to get my rogue up to lvl 80 due to lazyness and geared him up abit. Now I have transferred my Death Knight to Horde side and renamed, and now I need a guild I can raid with on this character.
When not playing Im often on Elitist Jerks, wow.eu forums or other sites looking at theroycrafting, speccs and so on.


The character I have cleared most of the wotlk raids with is my Death Knight Raikaes.
I can post an armory link and a raidlog link later if it is needed.

Managed to find an old pic of my ui while raiding with Asylum.

Technical information

AMD Athlon(tm) X2 Dual Core QL-62 2ghz
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450
RAM: 4gb
Last edited by Feastyo on Mon Oct 19, 2009 23:47:10, edited 1 time in total.

Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Feastyo, Combat Rogue Application

Postby Feastyo » Mon Oct 19, 2009 23:41:43

I kinda failed, so sorry for that. didnt look at the application form x)

But think my application covers most of my history in wow.
Just tell me if you want me to apply through your own application form.

Jason Statham
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Re: Feastyo, Combat Rogue Application

Postby Rza » Tue Oct 20, 2009 00:16:02

Yeah was a bit confused why you didn't actually use the application form on the home page, but you've covered most topic's :/


Glyph's, Spec's are good.

Gemming is pretty inconstent, stick to red +agility only, and for the most part ignore socket bonuses (of course have 1 yellow and 1 blue for activating Meta socket) Also you have no epic gems in there, I understand not gemming the naxx gear, but no excuse really to not have the conqueror items with epic gems in them.

Enchants your slacking on aswell, you've went for the cheaper versions of pretty much everything.

Gear is unfortunately a bit below what we're looking for aswell, you simply don't have the gear to justify a spot for Hardmodes over our current raiders at the moment, however we could gear you up in normal modes if we feel its worth doing.

You have a lot of Naxx gear, your weapons are a little outdated, trinkets are worse than mine and am slacking on not having DMC:Greatness - Try some naxx25 pugs and pick up GT. On the plus side your 1 piece of getting T8 4set which is a significant DPS upgrade.

One thing you have going for you is your raiding experience, its on a par with us and you seem to be really keen at least on paper, you appear to be dedicated on getting the most out of your character - although your rogue doesn't really show this tbh!

For all the negative stuff, I believe you could be a good addition to the guild once your sort your character out and if your willing too take my advice above I'd be prepared to give you a ginvite and see things go.

Cheers for the application

A life, Jimmy. You know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you’re waiting for moments that never come.

Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Feastyo, Combat Rogue Application

Postby Feastyo » Tue Oct 20, 2009 00:19:55

but no excuse really to not have the conqueror items with epic gems in them.

Enchants your slacking on aswell, you've went for the cheaper versions of pretty much everything.

Well, my rogue used to be my alt and I just rerolled back, so that is why I have not gemmed or enchanted the gear properly. will post an armory link to my former main aswell.
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... &n=Raikaes

Jason Statham
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Re: Feastyo, Combat Rogue Application

Postby Rza » Tue Oct 20, 2009 00:37:03

With all due respect its your rogue we are interested in, not your DK.

The reason I was prepared to give you a chance was looking ar your DK you linked in your application, I could see that you could potentially be a good player.

But simply put your rogue isn't really up to scratch and On 2nd thought's reading the amount of guilds that you've been in and left as you thought things were going to end sooner or later isn't the type of player we're looking to recruit.

It would appear aswell your loyalities lie on your DK in Our Sick Story, We don't want to be played 2nd fiddle to gear your alt up then no doubt 3 or 4 months down the line you'll faction change to Horde.

So, sorry am going have to decline on hindsight, thanks for applying and good luck with finding a home for your Rogue

A life, Jimmy. You know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you’re waiting for moments that never come.

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