Triada - Hunter - Marksmanship

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Triada - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Triada » Sun Apr 18, 2010 01:18:10

Character Name: Triada
Class: Hunter :hunter:
Spec: Marksmanship

RL Name?



Can you speak and understand English?
Ofc i can speak and understand it :)

AE raids 3 times a week: Wed, Thurs, Sunday 20:30 - 23/24:00? We expect 100% Raid attendance on these nights can you make these times okay?
i'm available almost all the time and those times are okay.

Have you got Teamspeak3 ? We are a very sociable group and are always talking on TS3, Although not mandatory are you prepared to Talk on TS/Vent (Not Just listen)?
Yes i have TS3. and ofc i would be glad to communicate with the guild as much as possible.

Do you know or have any friends currently in the guild? If not do you know a player (such as an ex-GM/Officer) we could approach to enquire about you? (optional)
No, i'm currently unknown to the After Effect, unfortunately :(

How did you find out about us? and what do you expect from our guild?
Saw your members many times. And after i hit lvl 80, i've asked couple your members about the website.

Talent Distribution (e.g. 18/0/53)?
7/57/7 + Glyphs of: Serpent Sting, Steady Shot and Rapid Fire

Why are you this spec? Why have you Geared/Gemmed/Enchanted in a particular way? Explain?
I was using marksmanship all the way through the leveling. And I still love it.
My PvE gear's GS is 5084 atm.
I will replace all my gems for arp ones as soon as possible, because i've started geming in the wrong way.
I prefer gear with no haste but with loads of armor penetration, and ap. Still missing like 0.5% of hit to cap, will be caped soon.
+ It would be nice if someone experienced would give me couple hints at playing mm hunter in raids :)

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
Hunter's mark + Kill command (if not on CD), serpent sting, arcane, aimed, chimaera, steady, steady, arcane, steady steady, aimed, chimaera, steady, steady etc. + using, rapid fire, berserk, hyperspeed acelerators and call of the wild every time they are ready.

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
I was guildless since character creation and up to lvl 80, then i joined Templars of Steel, but every time they've planned any raid, most of the officers + guild master were saved separately, thats why i left them.

Prior raiding experience? (WOLTK only)
Three bosses in ICC 10 so far... Still working on getting better gear.

We encourage members to actively use the forums, are you happy to do so?
Ofc. Though you got an awesome website, which i would rate a 5+ one.

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI? (Optional) ... 040946.jpg

Post a link to any previous WoL Raid Reports of DPS/HPS? (Optional)
Not Completed By Applicant

Any Final Words? (Your chance to to tell us a bit about you)
I like your guild very much and i would be glad and proud to be your member since now and forever.

WoW Armory Link: Triada

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Re: Triada - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Zen » Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:25:27

Like the app, wait for our hunter CL takes a look.
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Re: Triada - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby f1xxx3r » Sun Apr 18, 2010 19:08:06

App is good but your gear is behind our current 25 man progress. Also there's a lot of pvp pieces I'm seeing (trinket, wrists, cloak and neck).

Would be more than happy to give you a trial after you get some better gear.
So unfortunately it's a no from me.

LE: Be sure to check the spreadsheet/femaledwarf if you're in the point that ARP > AGI gemming. It greatly depends on gear. Your agi is extremely low.

So!.... T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cock-sure, prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! Come and get me I say! I'll be waiting on ya with a whiff of the 'ol brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!

Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Triada - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Triada » Sun Apr 18, 2010 20:45:17

Sad to hear that :(
It's nearly impossible to get better gear than i have at the moment. Because, for example, cloak requires 17 more emblems of frost, which i can only get by doing one first random heroic per day, which would result 9 more days to get. I'm trying to get second pve trinket from forge of souls almost since i've dinged, already killed Devourer of Souls 30 times according to statistics, and I haven't seen it drops at all...
Then, neck and and wrists, I just can't find a replace for them in the curent heroics which wouldn't be a 213 or 232 iLevel. I will lose much AP and crit if i will replace those two items for a pve ones with 213 or even 232 iL...
Maybe there is still a way for me to be accepted? I knew that i'm not geared well enough for 25 pll ICC, but you got couple groups which still raid 10 ppl, if only i could have joined them for atleast 3-5 bosses... Everyone should gear up somehow, I would be happy to go atleast somewhere with your guild. I really like it so much... And i'm almost in a despair after you posted your reply :(

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Re: Triada - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Phantomancer » Sun Apr 18, 2010 21:11:01

Triada wrote:It's nearly impossible to get better gear than i have at the moment.r

Do not worry. You can upgrade your gear easily. Download a spredsheat ( ex. Rawr )
With his you can upload your profile and get a clue on what upgrades you can aim for.
And for a player without guild you can get alot of emblems on one week :)

7x daily = 14
voa = 4
Weekly raid = 5
icc10 = 8 (prob more since you can get quest or more bosses)
icc25 = 8 (Same here)

This is 30-40 emblems every week. So its not that hard to get upgrades.
Darkmoon Card: Greatness is also a great starter trinket.

But again download rawr and you will see what you can do for upgrades.

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Triada - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Triada » Sun Apr 18, 2010 22:05:08

so this is going to be moved to "Declined Applications"... =(

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Re: Triada - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Jupsik » Mon Apr 19, 2010 09:02:32

it does look impossible to start with, but try pugging toc 25 and icc 10/25 and it'll go up fast

Boorz! i demand a new sig :D
Request granted!

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