Spoomy - Priest - Holy

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Spoomy - Priest - Holy

Postby Sp00my » Fri Feb 05, 2010 18:51:48

Character Name: Spoomy
Class: Priest :priest:
Spec: Holy

RL Name?



Can you speak and understand English?
Yes i can speak and understand english

AE raids 3 times a week: Wed, Thurs, Sunday 20:30 - 23/24:00? We expect 100% Raid attendance on these nights can you make these times okay?
The only day that could be a problem is thursdays, but thats only during the winter. Ive got hockey practice at 2300. During summertime this isnt a problem

Have you got Teamspeak3 ? We are a very sociable group and are always talking on TS3, Although not mandatory are you prepared to Talk on TS/Vent (Not Just listen)?
Ive got Ts3 and im prepared to talk on vent :)

Do you know or have any friends currently in the guild? If not do you know a player (such as an ex-GM/Officer) we could approach to enquire about you? (optional)
Dont have any friends in your guild atm, though have played with some before. Either in icc or in some HC

How did you find out about us? and what do you expect from our guild?
I found out during a icc 10 pug, a shaman, dont remember his name though. I expect to find a serious/fun raiding guild, and are nice to each other (hard to find these days)

Talent Distribution (e.g. 18/0/53)?
1st spec 17/54/0
2nd spec 57/14/0

Why are you this spec? Why have you Geared/Gemmed/Enchanted in a particular way? Explain?
Im specced like this cause its a nice burst spec, mostly for keeping the raid up.

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
renew + pom + FH on tanks.
on raid : FH Coh PoH Renew
no real rotation, ppl get damage and im there to heal it back up

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
Have been in VOC/Violation (TBC) No Remorse/Beyond/piratskeppet
NR disbanded left beyond cause had some trouble with the guildleader, Pirat disbanded

Prior raiding experience? (WOLTK only)
togc10 togc25 (3/5)
icc10 (5/10 had rotface to 5%) icc25 (4/10)

We encourage members to actively use the forums, are you happy to do so?
If i find the time to do so i will try to post or react on a topic.

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI? (Optional)
Not Completed By Applicant

Post a link to any previous WoL Raid Reports of DPS/HPS? (Optional)
Not Completed By Applicant

Any Final Words? (Your chance to to tell us a bit about you)
Working fulltime as an IT profesional, when not working i spend my time in wow. Thats about it, if theres something i forget/missed please mention it :). Cheers

http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... e&n=Spoomy

WoW Armory Link: Spoomy

Jason Statham
Jason Statham
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Re: Spoomy - Priest - Holy

Postby Rza » Fri Feb 05, 2010 23:47:14

actually quite a decent application and would quite like to consider you but we have a pretty solid healing group at the moment and you'd really be surplus to requirements, am happy enough to let you join but spots will be very limited in raids.

A life, Jimmy. You know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you’re waiting for moments that never come.

Cobra Kai Apprentice
Cobra Kai Apprentice
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2010 18:05:05

Re: Spoomy - Priest - Holy

Postby Sp00my » Sat Feb 06, 2010 18:22:57

Will take the spots that are available. Even if those are are very rare..:)

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