Thank fuck that is finished with!
The water cooler was an arse to get in the top of the case, I must have spent about 30-45 mins alone trying to get the long screws into the fans and radiator, I've set it up on pull atm as I want to eventually make it push/pull so figured it would be easier later to add new fans to the bottom of it.
Had a few posting problems after putting it all together a lovely "dd" code that doesn't actually exist and was nice to try and figure out what the problem was, checked my phone as didnt couldnt figure out anything on there so messed with the boot orders and it sorted it shit out.
Then tried installing windows 7 to the computer as I was never able to make a windows 10 USB install on my old computer (it used to die everytime I tried) and was greeted by a windows 7 installation screen that didnt have a clue what my ssd was or that it even existed. Had to get my dads laptop and get the windows 10 installer from that in the middle of the night and all was well it found the drive straight away, used the windows 7 cd key to install and it was all fine, until I realised I couldn't get on the internet because the Ethernet drivers were on a disc and I hadn't installed the blu-ray drive from the other PC =(
20 minutes later searching boxes and trying to slot cables through rubber grommets blu-ray drive was installed, boots up the PC gets a "A3" error code on the motherboard FFS!!! was totally stumped on this one the error code means "IDE enabled" that is all it said, looking online only brings up people having problems with the "AE" error code, starting to lose my shit as this time, so pulling wires out, going in and out of the bios trying to figure shit out and not getting anywhere.
Turns out that all it was when I was getting at the SATA ports on the motherboard the graphics card had been nudged and wasnt sitting correctly (it is one hell of a heavy card) so pushed it in a bit and rebooted straight to desktop WOOOOOOO!!!
So its getting near 1am at this point and I have work in the morning so I decide to get the basics sorted out, make sure the browser is changed and that I can get emails and get steam installed. Downloads chrome, signs in and gets all my settings and bookmarks back from previous PC(<3 chrome). Goes to hotmail to check mail, oh shit what was my password?, I was using LastPass to sort my passwords out as my memory for passwords now is complete and utter shite so gets the LastPass extention for Chrome (for some reason it didnt download it with the sign in) and goes to go on it, shit... what is the password for LastPass ?!!
okay, okay dont panic just recover the account get your password back that way, goes through the password recovery part "we have send you instructions to reset your password to your email specified". Well that was easy so now get in my emails and get them instructions..... FFS that was what I was wanting LastPass for =(
Sorted it out in the end got back from work and totally remembered what I had changed my password to =D All is good now just getting stuff off my old computer and going from there.
I never want to build another PC again for atleast another 7 years!!