Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Rediver » Tue Apr 20, 2010 19:36:07

Character Name: Rediver
Class: Hunter :hunter:
Spec: Marksmanship

RL Name?
My name is Trond Kristensen.

I am 20 years old.

I am norwegian

Can you speak and understand English?
Yes, i can speak and understand English perfectly

AE raids 3 times a week: Wed, Thurs, Sunday 20:30 - 23/24:00? We expect 100% Raid attendance on these nights can you make these times okay?
Yes, i can attend all of these nights and raid times.

Have you got Teamspeak3 ? We are a very sociable group and are always talking on TS3, Although not mandatory are you prepared to Talk on TS/Vent (Not Just listen)?
I got Ts3 installed, together with Ventmix. I also got a microphone so i can speak if its wanted.

Do you know or have any friends currently in the guild? If not do you know a player (such as an ex-GM/Officer) we could approach to enquire about you? (optional)
I don't know anyone in the guild, that i know of that is. But if there is, then feel free to ask them about me :>

How did you find out about us? and what do you expect from our guild?
I saw Aeradin in the Looking for Guild channel, and decided to make an application. I decided to make an application to your guild, and here i am :>
What i expect from your guild is simple, i expect to raid in a good and stable community where players respect one-another.

Talent Distribution (e.g. 18/0/53)?
My talent distribution is 7/57/7.
My off spec is Survival: 0/16/55

Why are you this spec? Why have you Geared/Gemmed/Enchanted in a particular way? Explain?
I've chosen this spec to maximize my dps output.
I have geared the way i have to get to ArP hardcap, recently i replaced my head and hands to get the (2) set bonus. I've enchanted my gear to best contribute to my raiding stats. I've chosen ArP to fill my gem slots to get towards hardcap in ArP.

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
1. Kill Shot
2. Chimera Shot
3. Aimed Shot / Multi shot (Pending on the fight)
4. Steady Shot

Serpent Sting is always used in the beginning of the fight or when we change target during a fight. With Chimera Shot i shouldn't have to prioritize Serpent Sting.
Silence shot is put into a macro together with Chimera Shot and Aimed shot, so is Kill Command, so i can keep em on cooldown at all times. (And cooldowns will be popped at decent times, either at start so i can get 2 or 3 pops troughout the fight, and give the MT's better initial treath with MD. Or to pop them at a certain time where it will increase my dps even more.

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
It was around the SWP times, Xavius (Horde) was dead, and i decided to migrate my hunter and try the luck on Frostmane, about a week after some guild looking i got accepted into Sesame Street where i raided during the 2 last months before Wrath of the Lich King was released. When Wotlk was released i leveled my hunter up in haste to start raiding the new raids, wich i was looking forward too. Server third Troll, fourth hunter level 80. I started raiding Naxxramas 10m with some of the other guildies whom had dinged 80. We got 4 quarters + Saph and KT 17% during that time (We didnt have all the core raiders at 80). After that we started raiding 25 man's and we got some bosses down. 2 week in 25mans my friend got kicked because he wasn't there for 2 raids due to being in the hospital, i left with him as well. Joining a "Casual" raiding guild called VII, where i raided Naxx/Maly/OS for some weeks where i decided to go back to hardcore raiding, and decided to apply for Pure Awesomeness, where i got accepted (Pure Awesomeness is a swede only guild, where i raided for some time before i got kicked due to 1 mistake i did. Honestly i think it was because they had overrecruited hunters and had to get rid of the newest one. Anyhow, to continue with the story, i went emo mode and leveled my paladin from 60-80 in 1 week and started farming heroics / 10man raids for gear (This was during Ulduar period) having played paladin (80) for 2 weeks, i got prompted to apply for No Remorse as they needed a holy paladin, where i was during the whole Ulduar period and some of the ToTC period. When ToTC was released people started slacking, and the guild eventually disbanded. There i was again, guildless. So i decided to level my warr from 60-80 whom i got bored with after 2 weeks :p So its stuck in my character selection screen with crap gear :> After some while i decided to change faction on my paladin, and with some discussion, i managed to get into Phased where i raded for around 2 months before the guild changed guild master, and the guild started to fall into the toilet, so i eventually left together with a large part of the core members, myself i migrated Kor'gall on my paladin and did PvP with an IRL friend there for some time, till he betrayed me and went horde >.> That's when i decided to start playing back on Frostmane, where i started doing some casual raids on my hunter with PuG's. I eventually applied to VII and got in as trial, i was in VII for 2 months or so before i got kicked. If you would like to hear the reason for why i was kicked, i'd be more than happy to tell an officer in game. And here i am, applying to AE gaming :>.

Prior raiding experience? (WOLTK only)
Wrath of the Lich King
Naxxramas 10 //Cleared//
Naxxramas 25 //Cleared//
Obsidian Sanctum 10 - Cleared with 3 drakes up (Did this one just for the achievment about a month ago on my hunter, also healed it on my paladin some time ago.)
Obsidian Sanctum 25 - Cleared with 3 Drake's up
Eye Of Eternity 10 - //Cleared//
Eye Of Eternity 25 - Cleared 21 man
Ulduar 10 - //Cleared// Missing Algalon and a few hardmodes (Sàtyr)
Ulduar 25 - //Cleared// Missing most hardmodes + Algalon (Sàtyr)
ToTC10/25 //Cleared//
ToTGC10 //Cleared - Tribute to madness 49 attempts left// (Sàtyr)
ToTGC25 //4/5 - Kept wiping in last phase due to lack of shamans. (Sàtyr)
ICC10 //11/12 - Killed Rotface + Gunship battle on Hc.
ICC25 //11/12 - 49% wipe on LK

On the ones where Sàtyr is marked behind, is what i did on my paladin.

We encourage members to actively use the forums, are you happy to do so?
Yes, im a happy troll ! :D

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI? (Optional)
Hmm, don't have any UI screenshots at the moment, but ill be more than happy to do it after the weekly raid reset.

Post a link to any previous WoL Raid Reports of DPS/HPS? (Optional)
I don't have any performance links.

Any Final Words? (Your chance to to tell us a bit about you)
I'm a decent fella that enjoys raiding a few times a week. Just to relax after a long day.

WoW Armory Link: Rediver

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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby f1xxx3r » Wed Apr 21, 2010 07:43:09

I like! Just one question. You really don't have any other trinkets? Darkmoon card greatness is sweet even though it's ilvl200. Even banner of victory.
More than happy to give you a trial.

So!.... T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cock-sure, prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! Come and get me I say! I'll be waiting on ya with a whiff of the 'ol brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!

Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Rediver » Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:41:58

f1xxx3r wrote:I like! Just one question. You really don't have any other trinkets? Darkmoon card greatness is sweet even though it's ilvl200. Even banner of victory.
More than happy to give you a trial.

Hello there. At the moment i don't have any trinkets to replace the ones i currently have. I know im awfully overcapped in hit rating, and the PvP trinket ain't that good anyways. But It's what i've had to take since i started playing my hunter again, I've tried quite a few times to get the trinket from FoS, but have been unsuccesfull by tanks / healers taking it, the rare drop chance that i've been very unlucky with. I havn't had much time to do ToC5 normal for the ArP trinket, but i guess that would be quite an upgrade to me. I will make up a group for it today and try to get it.
Thanks for that mate :> I don't have the gold for Greatness at the moment either, just bought my third alt its Epic mount and im currently only at 3500g.

But looking from the last sentence it looks like im accepted, and i will contact you online when i get home.

Peace out Rediver :>

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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby f1xxx3r » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:29:19

Well to be honest I really like your application and it seems like you know what you're doing. In the trinket department the one from deathwhisper10 is rather good combined with the one from FoS (if you get lucky) will be a good starter combo. So trinkets can be easily upgraded and that's the only thing you're missing. Also if you do get accepted(waiting on another officer opinion) you can probably get deathbringer's will since there aren't any other people in our 25 mans that need it.

Looking forward on another officer's reply. If it's positive w/ me on Trejo or Fxr or ask in our guild if there are any officers online.

So!.... T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cock-sure, prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! Come and get me I say! I'll be waiting on ya with a whiff of the 'ol brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!

Daniel LaRusso
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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Zen » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:31:02

good app and doesnt seem to be an idiot playing his class like that meroppe guy.... xD

+1 from me
“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby f1xxx3r » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:39:25

Zen wrote:good app and doesnt seem to be an idiot playing his class like that meroppe guy.... xD

+1 from me

Yeah true, that meroppe guy we had was a complete idiot. Good thing he's still not in the guild. Think he left with that noob warr tank Saphi.

So!.... T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cock-sure, prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! Come and get me I say! I'll be waiting on ya with a whiff of the 'ol brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!

Jean-Claude Van Damme
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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby King » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:57:26

Not to mention that slacker Druid Aera... o wait.

+1 from me also so /w an officer for an invite if you haven't already ^^ Server Administrator

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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Rza » Wed Apr 21, 2010 13:28:01

-1 from me.

Decent app, however the amount of guild changes concerns me. we are looking for dedicated players. Every guild goes through difficult phases and the impression I get from the app, is your the first to jump ship when this happens.

A life, Jimmy. You know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you’re waiting for moments that never come.

Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Rediver » Wed Apr 21, 2010 13:44:28

I'll be happy to whisper you when i get online at around 16:00.
And Rza, im sorry that you think I've had alot of guilds. But I've got perfectly good reasons for leaving the guilds i left. And if you want to, we can discuss this in game.

Edit: Misswrote :>

Jean-Claude Van Damme
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Re: Rediver - Hunter - Marksmanship

Postby Dimon » Wed Apr 21, 2010 13:46:38

Rza wrote:-1 from me.

Decent app, however the amount of guild changes concerns me. we are looking for dedicated players. Every guild goes through difficult phases and the impression I get from the app, is your the first to jump ship when this happens.

I did not read the same thing there as you tbh. The death of guilds are ok, but geting kicked twice kinda worries me, so I'd like to know the details when it comes to <VII> at least.

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