Macloud - Death Knight - Frost

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Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Macloud - Death Knight - Frost

Postby macloud » Sun May 30, 2010 03:53:48

Character Name: Macloud
Class: Death Knight :dk:
Spec: Frost

RL Name?



Can you speak and understand English?
Of course

AE raids 3 times a week: Wed, Thurs, Sunday 20:30 - 23/24:00? We expect 100% Raid attendance on these nights can you make these times okay?
If they are game time i surely can

Have you got Teamspeak3 ? We are a very sociable group and are always talking on TS3, Although not mandatory are you prepared to Talk on TS3 (Not Just listen)?
No i dont have Teamspeak3 i can download it but then again i can only listen cause i dont have a mic :s

Do you know or have any friends currently in the guild? If not do you know a player (such as an ex-GM/Officer) we could approach to enquire about you? (optional)

How did you find out about us? and what do you expect from our guild?
i found about u from wowprogress website

Talent Distribution (e.g. 18/0/53)?

Why are you this spec? Why have you Geared/Gemmed/Enchanted in a particular way? Explain?
Im on this spec because frost is my favorite dps build plus it has improved icy talons raid buffs.I still dont have the gear i want for my full potential (i need less hit rating and more armor penetration).I have gemmed str cause its the main stat for dps and enchanted this way for more crit and attack power.

What would your normal rotation be on a raid boss fight to gain optimal DPS / Effective Healing / Threat generation?
i begin with icy touch, plague strike , 2 blood strike , obliterate , 2 frost strikes,and if rime procs i use howling blast.I also use pestilence to refresh my diseases on primary target.

What guild were/are you in previously/currently? Reasons for Leaving?
i was twinlight raiders but i left because they werent raiding that much and when they did they were only taking their friends and left the others behind.

Prior raiding experience? (WOTLK only)
icc 10/25
voa 10/25
weekly raid
toc 25 (sometimes)

We encourage members to actively use the forums, are you happy to do so?
i have no problem on that.

Post a link to a screenshot of your UI? (Optional)
i really dont know how to upload photos

Post a link to any previous WoL Raid Reports of DPS/HPS? (Optional)
Not Completed By Applicant

Any Final Words? (Your chance to to tell us a bit about you)
Well i dont have much to tell u about myself i am 18 years old my hobbies are wow and a litle bit football, and im working as a waiter at a cafe. Now the reason i want to enter to your guild is because i want to help ppl and be helped, have fun and raids.

WoW Armory Link: Macloud

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Re: Macloud - Death Knight - Frost

Postby Pride » Sun May 30, 2010 10:32:44

You are missing some enchants.

Cobra Kai Apprentice
Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 03:23:42

Re: Macloud - Death Knight - Frost

Postby macloud » Sun May 30, 2010 13:40:59

Pride wrote:You are missing some enchants.

I wanted to make more enchants but i have lack of mats.

Cobra Kai Apprentice
Cobra Kai Apprentice
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Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 03:23:42

Re: Macloud - Death Knight - Frost

Postby macloud » Sun May 30, 2010 23:53:26

macloud wrote:
Pride wrote:You are missing some enchants.

I wanted to make more enchants but i have lack of mats.

I have done it now i have full enchants at my gear.

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